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Some years ago, my son-in-law and I needed a transport truck. I was looking for a good quality truck, and found an ad for a truck that appeared to match my expectations.  However, the truck was at a location about seven hundred miles away from my home. The truck seemed to be what we were looking for, but the price was too low.  My curiosity got the better of me. I traveled the distance to have a look at it. It seemed fine. A good name brand. Nice condition, right engine. Not beat up. I drove it home. We dubbed it “old ten percent”. We bought it for approximately 10% of the cost of the same unit, new at the dealer. That old truck wouldn’t quit.  It just worked day in and day out, right alongside the new ones. We eventually sold it. It brought in much the same amount we had given for it a number of years earlier.

I heard another story recently. A faithful brother and his wife were serving the Lord. By their own admission, and others’ observation, with about 90% of full dedication. One day they decided to give the Lord the additional 10%. They committed the last ten percent. The Church immediately responded. The difference was seen and felt. They were asked to serve in a noble calling. They will no doubt be blessed beyond the cost of the last ten percent.

You ask, “How do these two stories hang together?” They don’t. I now have your attention.

My life and yours don’t always hold together either.  There are mysteries, in our readiness to be of service to God, that don’t “hang together”.

Years ago, an acquaintance worked in the feed business. He and his brothers wanted to purchase a mill that my father had developed and had put up for sale. The proposed manager, who was one of the syndicate, had a passion for flying.  He owned a private plane. The local lending organization approved the loan request, with one provision. That the manager sell his plane. Why? The lenders wanted his full attention to be applied to the management of the mill. The mill prospered. In time the single-engine plane was replaced with a beautiful twin engine.

Sometimes we let hanging onto our last ten percent hold us back from huge rewards. We rationalize left. We rationalize right. We twist. We spend hours working the options. When all it really takes is giving up the last ten percent. Don’t allow yourselves to miss fantastic blessings simply because you don’t want to give God everything. 

Luke 6:38 “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”Incredible Promises are available for those who serve God unconditionally!

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