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Disappointment is an emotion that comes to all early in life.  Some people have likened the first cry of a newborn, after spending roughly ¾ of a year in the perfect environment provided by their mother, to an expression of the feeling of betrayal in needing to face the outside world.

Fast forward.  The average baby shows frustration as they are compelled to become familiar with their new-found responsibilities. The child advances from being completely dependent, to a point where they must self-administer their basic needs.  They are taught to walk.  First this is a novelty.  Mom and Dad cheer on these first steps.   After successfully teaching the child to walk, the teaching of parameters follows.  Don’t walk there.  Don’t do this.  Don’t do that.  One might wonder if the advantage of learning to walk is a blessing or curse.

This might be compared with the development that, in a sense, follows us through to death. Almost all positives have a corresponding negative.  The euphoria of a positive is often trumped by a negative. This is the ground for disappointment.

As a person progresses in life, at some time the call of God is heard. This comes at various ages and in different stages.  God is introduced by voices.  Human voices.  The written word.  Parental guidance.  Early-age foundational beliefs.  

There is one God.  In the Old Testament many examples of this teaching are held forth.  The expectation people had of God sometimes was tarnished as a result of false teaching by men of authority.  This often resulted in Idol worship. False teaching and selfish interests are, to this day, a main reason for disappointment.

There are innumerable voices.  Some voices are true.  Some are false. Some direct to head right and others say to head left.  Some, in the name of leadership, abuse people; emotionally, mentally, and sometimes immorally.  It is no wonder people are disappointed.

Matthew 6:24 states “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Next week we will explore some causes of disappointment.  See you next week.

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