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Who to serve – Mob Mentality

Joshua 24:15 – “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

The worldwide pandemic we all were involved in has unravelled the sock that was a comfort to the whole world.

Prior to the pandemic, the general society was in a state of bliss. I’m speaking of what we refer to as the developed world – the five or more wealthier nations. However, the people of these nations had fallen asleep. The pre-Covid generations were no longer valuing freedom. Social programs and humanitarian programs were unsustainable, because they were not based on the Truth of a loving God and Father. We have testimonials of university graduates that admit to $200,000.00 student loans, yet are unable to draw a tangible report about what they have learned academically. However, they speak of the associations formed with the Who’s Who of the elite society. This is unsustainable. 

The gang world, the underworld, the drug cartels and the Mafia are all what the world refers to as organized crime. Premeditated, structured crime. This is not the point of my writing.

We refer to the trickle-down effect. In a herd of cattle there is usually one leading animal. The rest of the herd for the most part follows this cow’s lead. If the lead cow is thirsty, they all follow her to the water trough. This follow-the-leader, trickle-down effect has been observed in mankind from its beginning. Covid gave us an example. Many of the supporters, either pro or con, had little clue what they were supporting. They were just following the mob.

One of our Canadian cities observed that, more and more, there is evidence that the crime leaders are using juveniles to pull the trigger in targeted shootings. Juveniles who have no understanding or skin in the game. Because the Law is lenient on an ignorant perpetrator. And the criminal leaders are aware that the young person they recruit craves to belong.

This summarizes my writing. We crave to belong. The invitation, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

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