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Growing up as a boy in farming country I became acquainted with my neighbour’s three-legged dog. The unfortunate rascal had gotten too close to the hay mower. What inspired me was that, although the amputation had been dealt with in typical and practical fashion, the little fellow was a picture of courage. When the cattle were to be brought in for milking, he was in “full uniform,” so to speak. He took his herding responsibilities seriously. 

In my own journey I too have made mistakes that have left me somewhat handicapped.

In Luke 7:47 Jesus comments on the sinful woman. “…her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.” Now, I’m not wanting to suggest that those of us who have had much reason for forgiveness are at an advantage. We are sometimes downhearted when we keep company with people who have no amputations. The aforementioned statement by Jesus himself should be evidence enough that we “get up and try again.” Many of us “three-legged dogs” carry baggage. My friend, the three-legged pup, no doubt would have preferred to have all four legs. Those of us who have come from an extended walk in the darkness are inclined at times to bury our few talents in a corner, and hope that when Jesus returns, he will have mercy on us. Scripturally speaking, the parable of the talents doesn’t bear out that a one-talent person is justified in burying the talent.

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