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The good, the bad and the ugly – Our Thoughts –

My mind this morning is on “the mind”; on what I think. Recently I had a few months of blah.

Definition of “blah” – noun 1. boring or without meaningful content

                                              2. depression

                                     adj.    1. dull or unexciting

In my life this “blah” is fed by extra attention to the media. The overall tenor of the media is trash. If the media were in the food world, it would be a food group that causes obesity and lethargy.

I’m not writing to critique the media. I invite you to do that for yourself and evaluate the effect it has on your mental health. Hidden in the volume of negative vibes and depressing information are nuggets of inspiration. Proverbs 23:7 refers to “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:” Matthew 12:34b “…for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” We would do well to rather consider and control what makes up the abundance of the heart than to try to control what the mouth speaks.

Idleness provides an environment that encourages a person with junk food cravings to indulge. One nibble at a time. In a similar fashion, idleness is prime territory for becoming mentally obese.

This overload of “mind food” produces different results in people, depending on their varying temperaments. Our job, in order to remain in a stable functioning productive mindset, is to give sober thought-processing a chance. Sobriety is a stable platform on which to remain planted. It is also a safe platform to return to when we feel overwhelmed. Sobriety will endorse truth. Truth will enable a mind. If our mind feels disabled, we probably need to return to the platform known as sobriety.

Think of your mind as a canoe. If your craft is listing to the left, you need to transfer weight to the right. A respected friend of mine stated, “Sometimes the truth is negative.” Friends, this is where sobriety and truth complement each other, and provide both stability and direction. If the truth is that your canoe is listing badly, no amount of wishful thinking will correct the balance. Now is the time to evaluate what can be done. Going back to the quote about the truth sometimes being negative; there will be times that little, or nothing, can be done. These are the times when we pray. Our prayer need not be a prayer of panic. It can be a resolute awareness. In the frenzy of emotions, faith in a God of miracles will often overrule desperation. This is enabling.

If the canoe of your mind is off kilter today, say a prayer to the One who cares. Head for the stability of the platform called “sobriety”. As you arrive at this platform, use truth to make changes to the balance of your mind. Again, don’t forget to do. Don’t forget to pray. Have a safe voyage today!

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