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Prosperity Gospel – Another Angle of Entitlement

As I was born at basically the midway point of the Baby Boomer generation, you may need to filter what I write. The overall intention of both my blog material, as well as my more formal business training sessions, is to inspire thought. My father liked to use the quote “Convince a man against his will…he remains of the same opinion still.”

Do we overlook the truth that all we have is the Lord’s, and we are but stewards? When a person donates 50 percent of what is the Lord’s to the Lord, is he a giver, or a thief?  If a disillusioned adolescent grows up to expect his wealthy parents or grandparents to subsidize or finance his way, we old ones complain about the age of Entitlement. Then when this child’s father requires his employee to work for the barest of industry standard wages, enabling the employer’s profits to flourish so that he can give 50% to the Lord, whose money is the other 50%? Is this not an example of Entitlement?  Some time ago a brother in faith expanded his operation. His justification was, “If I don’t do it, someone else will.”

Proverbs 23:21 – “For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: And drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.”

This scripture refers to indulgence from a natural perspective. Let’s put this into financial terms, for Christians. We are told a little wine for the stomach’s sake promotes healthy digestion. We know we need food to sustain our bodies. Likewise, we need ambition for effective healthy mental balance. The Bible wants us to be fruitful and multiply. In the parable of the talents, each of three individuals were given talents; one was given five talents, one two talents, and one was given one talent. As stated by the report, the accolades for management of the talents were similar to for each one – “…according to their…ability”. However, the one who feared the Master was chastised.

I am not intending to challenge those who have abundant possessions, and in so doing imply that they should have less. Rather, I believe that the philosophy of the Prosperity Gospel works. It’s really a no-brainer. The problem arises when we leave the CEO or Chief Executive Officer, namely, Jesus Christ, as well as the Holy Spirit, out of our planning group.

You might have so many fish in your net that they will stink and spoil. And maybe God wants you to give Him 100% of what’s His. He definitely does not want you to become drunken with your own impression of yourself, falling asleep with your hands folded over your financial Pot Belly.

Mark 8:36 – “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

Only what we can use to be healthy and fruitful does God want us to have. The rest is God’s. We are not entitled to “the rest”. Children are not favoured when massive inheritances are handed to them.

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