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“Willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them.” Cambridge Dictionary

Years ago, my brother-in-law was working on a demolition site where a wood structure was being dismantled. He was working with an older gentleman by the name of Frank. In those times the awareness of the dangers of tetanus from puncture wounds was not as prevalent as it is now. Early in the day Frank stepped on a board with a protruding nail. He yelped a little, but, without much ado, continued his work. Later in the day Frank stepped on another nail, puncturing his other foot. This time my brother-in-law expected a tirade of words. Frank, with a stoic look, commented, “Now I’m not sure which side to limp on!”

This example has been with me for many years. To my mind, Frank should have been entitled to the remainder of the day off. Many who would have been dealt a similar setback would have met the shock and pain of the injustices with belligerent and angry descriptive language.  However, carefully administered descriptive words would not have lessened the pain in Frank’s feet.

In all of our lives we sometimes work in “life’s worksites”. Around us there are many boards with nails poking up, just waiting for us to step on them. We have a few options. We can look around and remove the boards that may injure us. This will come with a conscious effort, where we must be willing to take ownership. Sometimes it involves cleaning up boards that others have carelessly scattered. 

Sooner or later in life we will get a puncture wound. Some person or situation will “get us”. Then we will probably look around in indignation to locate the cause. We may want to scream injustice.  Or be angry with ourselves that we didn’t avoid the board with the nail.  Or else we can take our wounded limb to Jesus. He understands. His hands and feet were punctured in Golgotha. His spirit was tested to a point where he cried, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” 

He could have called ten thousand angels to deliver him. However, he tolerated the injustices. When we reach out to Jesus, we too can tolerate the injustices.

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