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From my writing table I overlook a valley. There, in the relative flat, flows the Crowsnest River. Parallel to it is the Canadian Pacific Railway mainline and Highway #3.

The rail is a main artery for commerce including oil, minerals, and grain from the prairies. This rail twists and turns, climbs grades and descends to the lake and river flats of the Rocky Mountains.  On a busy day up to a dozen trains traverse this route. Then, abruptly, there is a stretch of a day or even several days where no activity is noticeable. This interruption is largely due to the track crews dealing with some rail bed inconsistency. The concern is evident. A derailment can be avoided by diligent awareness coupled with constructive intervention.

In my mind I perceive a parallel between the railway situation and our day to day lives. Both as citizens of our country, and even more the calling of all persons to be citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Our lives are much like these trains supplying the needs of the people around us; our families, friends, and fellowmen. We too must live, aware that our “track” must be maintained. We perform this maintenance through a sober mindset. This mindset is not long-faced and moody and melancholic about all the past train wrecks caused by derailment. No. We must use reality of former misadventures. Then, with a trusting look up to Jesus, we follow his lead step by step. We can be aware of imminent dangers or potential disaster. However, by putting our hand in Jesus’ hand, by following the little prompts, we divert the disaster of a derail, or even of a full-blown train wreck.

I Peter 5

Verse 2: Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

Verse 6: Humble yourselves…

Verse 7: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Verse 8: Be sober, be vigilant…Happy trails or tracks through life!

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