John 18:38: “Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?” 

John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” 

When we think of a hatching chick or a newborn child, there is a Creator-inspired will to be set free. Then for a period of time the boundaries of such freedom are set by this new being’s forebearer. The mother of the baby cares and nurtures it, keeping it warm and fed.  

As time goes on the young one is given liberties; some by evolving of limb, and progressive capacity to move independently. The other part is developed by direct and instinctive training of the forebear of the little one. 

If a mother is mistrusting of authority, the child’s first instinct will be the same. If a father recompenses his son with lavish rewards when he does his father’s bidding, although it is unsanctified, the son will be inclined to follow his father’s direction. We read of sons who become joint perpetrators with their fathers, committing unbelievable atrocities.  

However, at some point of time we reach the point of accountability. This is a time when we are given the mental capacity to view for ourselves whether what we have felt inclined, or compelled, to do, is indeed truth. 

In the case of a person surrendering their will to God and accepting Him as their one and only Saviour, and committing to unwavering discipleship, there is a cost. In some instances, a huge cost. That’s the price of becoming part of truth. 

All kinds of instructions follow from the book of Truth, the Bible. We shall leave our father and mother. Matthew 19:5-6 The rich young ruler was told “if thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast…” Matt 19:16-24 

A child will have a particularly difficult time finding truth, when he has been nurtured by a proud, self-willed father who has manipulated the child by praising him and rewarding him, all the while implanting the thought that he, the father, is capable of interpreting truth.  We observe this in many pagan religions, as well as in secular leadership that is focused on power and wealth. Though this is a foreboding environment, the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Father, God and the Holy Spirit remain available. When we seek their direction, we will find Truth. 

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