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Blogs have many motivating platforms, is my observation. I’m not certain exactly what my platform would be. Most importantly, I hope it has a building influence, and not one of destruction.

As one puts out points to ponder, it will not always be with the intent of discussing both the pros and cons of the subject matter. It is of concern to me that in the process of writing I don’t simply rattle chains. “Some parts of truth are non-negotiable.” Others have many angles. Some of these angles seem more, and some less, important to each individual.

Today I’m motivated to tell you a story that exemplifies tolerance. 

Roughly four or five years ago I purchased a new Chevy pickup. Instead of the more common 5.3 l engine, this one came with a 6.2 l higher performance engine. The boy came out in me. I was impressed with the acceleration. 

This Saturday morning I’m driving through Sherwood Park, Alberta. My son-in-law in the passenger seat, my just-about-grown grandson in the rear seat. Conversation was the new pickup. I commented that even with all the power and acceleration, I couldn’t make the rear tires chirp. My son-in-law’s eyes twinkled. He reached over to the traction control switch. The light ahead changed to Red. We were alone on a wide through street. The city was resting. I stopped at the light. When the light changed, I let ‘er have it! Well, my innocent blue pickup bucked and squealed and took off.

My kiddish euphoria was short-lived. My grandson saw him first. “Grandpa…there’s a cop coming.” The reds and blues flashed. I pulled into an almost-vacant yard adjacent to the street. I had my driver’s license and vehicle documents ready by the time the officer, who was sporting evidence of years on the force, arrived at my window.

“Officer,” I said, “I really don’t like to grovel for mercy.” I told him how it was. He said little, and went to his car with my documents in hand. He was back. Not unfriendly, very businesslike.

He gave me two options. First one, between 7- and 8-hundred dollars, with a bunch of demerit points. Then, “I assumed you didn’t want the demerit points, so I’m ticketing you for stunting. It carries a fine of nearly $1,000 but does not carry demerit points, as it’s considered public mischief, not driving per se.”

I thanked him for his consideration. He seemed to have a twinkle in his eye when he told me that his Ford EcoBoost had similar capabilities. As he returned to his car, I had left/right emotions. “So, rub it in,” I thought.

A few days later I drove out to the court house to pay my fine. The person behind the desk seemed confused. “I have no record of a fine owing in your name,” I was told. I too was puzzled. Months later when I renewed my driver’s license, they again searched my record. No indication of a traffic ticket was found. 

Today my impression on tolerance is that not everyone that’s guilty pays their due.

Was my transgression less because the officer chose not to send in his copy of the traffic infraction? Will I “stunt” again? Was his approach not effective? Perhaps it was the impression he left that was effective.

There will be more on this topic. Probably not for a while. Some topics are difficult to conclude. Some topics have a way of encouraging negative emotions. There is little to be gained with negative debate.

Better to follow the heart.

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