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Who Are We? How Did it Start?

Recently my daughter Annette tag-teamed with my wife Lucille and read me a subscription to life.

The message was brief and to the point.  Will you quit referring to yourself as “too old”.

In full disclosure my family has heard this alibi much too often.  In fact, in one of my essays I refer to it as attention-seeking.  Inferiority complex is another common denominator that kicks our transmission out of gear.  Awareness of the challenge to use Holy Scripture and interpret it to common application is not, neither should be, undertaken lightly.

As we learn to know ourselves, we often become aware that how our fellow person sees us and how we perceive our wish to be are two varying viewpoints.

The idea of a training course came as do most things with a concept of need.  Need as we see it is however not always need as someone else sees it.

The need as I see it was, and continues to be, learning by provoking thought.  Provoking thought was recorded in Genesis with the question, “Hath God said?”  With that single question the direction of history as we know it started.  So, we can conclude that a single question leads to huge directional dynamics.

We are created with a desire to preserve ourselves.  In us is a want to be in control of our destiny.  We like options from a menu to choose our meal.

So I have, as do you, a primary interest in what interests me. Duh! No. Not really. This observation is very profound. In early Bible history Cain killed his brother Abel because he longed for God’s acceptance, and in his mind, he perceived Abel’s sacrifice to be of more value than his own.

If Cain had asked around, the murder could have been averted.

Cain, not to justify his action, did however not have much past history regarding murder to go by.

So my thought process was at the onset of this course.  To inspire thought.

We can inspire thought in a conclusive way or else in a suggestive way.  A suggestive way is often more palatable.  We have however laws set in place by God that are not negotiable.  Even these are by God’s design open for interpretation.  However, when we are true to ourselves, we will like Adam and Eve, or Cain, realize error.  We must test our emotions with others who exemplify a converted Christian walk with God.

So I asked around. I called several “wise men”.  The answers were varying but soon took a common thread. 

One acquaintance and friend who has walked life’s journey 10 or 15 years longer than myself asked in his dry witty way, “Do you lay awake at night?  If you write a business training course you will be awake even more!!”

My son Toby’s one-liner came to mind.  “Never let fear or common-sense stand in your way.”

Ralph Toews, a long-time friend helped me brainstorm a title, a name if you will.  As we know in our current culture, when a baby is born, “Boy or Girl? What’s the name?” “Input” and “guidance” were two words that came from Ralph’s and my discussion.

Input isn’t conclusive.  Guidance doesn’t insist.

There are two leading motivates in business.

Success and Money.

Success doesn’t equate to money.

Money doesn’t equate to success.

It is however often confused.

If I were to write a manual on how to earn a lot of money, I’m afraid I wouldn’t sell a single copy. I’m not really very good at making money.

The Bible teaches, “…Seek ye first the kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Again, life experience indicates I am not really good at “seeking first the kingdom of God.”

So, throughout this journey, if it had not been for the vision of others, the project would have ground to a halt.

It would never have happened.

So if you decide to partake of the compiled information please be aware that the author is only an earthen vessel.

If you crave a recipe for success, I’m guessing your money may well be spent more wisely elsewhere.

If you are a person who wishes to open their mind to considering their ways and together with that consideration walk with a little more spring in your step, perhaps you want to read on.

The format is written in essay form.  It is not intended to be conclusive.  Rather I invite the participant, not the reader, to rest your mind.  Let memory of your own journey speak.

A friend read one of the essays.  He asked, “Why did you not conclude it?”

These essays are not meant to be a thesis. They were written by inspiration by a man who doesn’t know everything.

I have altered the tempo. Some move fast. Some slow.  Some include my viewpoint.  Same are challenging.  And meant to be.

I have tried to be true.  Please enjoy!

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Input Business Guidance is a guidance course focused on helping you strengthen your business by teaching you how to deal with employees, customers, and teaching you core values that will influence you for the rest of your life. We started working on our first course in 2021 and are about ready to bring it to you.

We are a family-operated business based in rural Saskatchewan, in Canada. We have a passion for organized design & have turned it into doing what we enjoy best – creating beautiful, functional items which will help you promote your business, simplify your life, announce that new arrival, create the new book-of-the-year, or any number of other products!

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