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I have questions, some days, as to why I write a blog.  I also question why I have compiled a business course. Hardly based on qualifications, being just a homespun chap in a crowd of dignitaries.

I read in the story of Job.  In Chapters 3 and 4 he laments the demise of life as he once knew it.  His world of influence had crumbled.  That which he prized most was taken from him.  He questioned the purpose of his birth. His wise friend responded, “Who are you to question God?”

So, who am I to question God?  Who are you, my reader, to question God?

James Chapter 1 verses 1 – 9

  1. Greetings
  2. Count temptations as joy
  3. Trials work patience
  4. Become perfect and entire
  5. Lack wisdom?  Ask God
  6. Ask in faith – don’t waver
  7. Will not receive if we waver
  8. Double-minded equals instability
  9. Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted.  

In verse 9, the exalting is not the brother’s own exaltation.  It is God’s exaltation.

If a man is active in his business pursuits from 20-65 years old; if this man works 50 weeks a year; if he works 5 days a week; if he influences one person a day in his duties; then he will encourage 11,250 people to strive for heaven. That’s one person a day!  Add this awareness into your business venture. Then, instead of only impacting one person, inspire three. Now your actions are influencing every person in what we could consider a small city-worth of people.

The business course I offer – its style, if you will – is targeted toward that end.  Exhorting us all to use our day-to-day dealings to influence people.

We had a gentleman in the community I grew up in. He was a low-profile individual.  He worked at my father’s mill.  He was not an accomplished singer.  I was a young fellow.  One day as I walked into the door of the mill, lusty strains of music were coming from near the feed mixer.  This gentleman was belting out, “It’s not an easy road we are trav’ling to heaven, For many are the thorns on the way…A better day is coming When home in the glory We’ll rest in perfect peace over there.”  From “It’s Not an Easy Road” by John W Peterson

Folks.  This is 55 years ago.  It still rings in my ears.  All this man was doing was communing with God, in his own style. Friends, all you can do is keep your “style”. Write the pages of life with an intent to praise God. Allow Him to direct your ways.

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15

Write in your style.

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Input Business Guidance is a guidance course focused on helping you strengthen your business by teaching you how to deal with employees, customers, and teaching you core values that will influence you for the rest of your life. We started working on our first course in 2021 and are about ready to bring it to you.

We are a family-operated business based in rural Saskatchewan, in Canada. We have a passion for organized design & have turned it into doing what we enjoy best – creating beautiful, functional items which will help you promote your business, simplify your life, announce that new arrival, create the new book-of-the-year, or any number of other products!

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