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When someone frequently refers to his or her negative impressions of themselves, we speak of them as having an inferiority complex or even chronic low self-esteem.  The word “chronic” is perhaps the best way to sort out if one is merely disappointed over an outcome, or, if they indeed are captive to a damaging level of negative emotion. Attempted efforts at a self-induced humility can finally become an actual track of damaging inferior feelings.

Ps 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”

Very inciteful observation by David.  “I will praise thee.”  This is a statement that is an unconditional promise.  Then follows another statement.  “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” In God-lingo “fearful” is a statement of respect.  Fearful of the God that made us.  Not scared, but respectful.  Then follows a general statement, “Marvellous are the works of God.” Not some, but all the works.  Then, finally, the soul connection.  The soul is truth.  The soul carries no vanity.  No pomp.  No show.  Nothing frivolous.  The soul is our God-connection.  The soul is not confused by mind games.  The “soul knoweth right well.”  

I would like to imagine that David had been dwarfed with an awareness of vulnerable thoughts.  Perhaps he thought of the lowly task of watching sheep.  Maybe his thoughts were running in the melancholic vein.  He may have been cold and miserable, or possibly hot and thirsty. Then, this set of words came to David.  He was determined.  He was not okay with negative thoughts, so, he penned these words.  He left out his own emotions and built his hope on truth; on faith in an almighty God.  Then he reminded himself, “my soul knoweth right well.”

Sometimes we are in a slump, and we too must combat sick and unhealthy thoughts, with a vengeance.  On occasion we will need to block out negative truths, because at times truth is negative. There are times that we have indeed messed up.  Perhaps it seems that humanity around us is against us that day.  We know restitution will need to be done.  We too are aware that our reputation has been scarred. The Bible is loaded with failures.  With unworthy examples, and with many cases of cause and effect.

I Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:’ “Whom he may devour…” Not who he wishes to devour.  In the conflict between right and wrong, truth and untruth, the Lord always has the upper hand.  The devil only gets the upper hand when we allow him to. Inferiority can destroy those who will bend to this thought process. When we are sober, we will join David and praise the Lord.  We will honour our God with vigilance.  We will learn little by little. Progress may bear a resemblance to a tug of war, but we will win. Rather, the Lord will win for us.  

Praise God.  Be patient. Honour truth.  Bring your disappointments to Jesus. Don’t try and conquer them alone.  Jesus will listen. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth to Him; then leave it to the Lord. You don’t need to be on good behaviour for a day or week or month before you have “earned” the right to bring your disappointment and pain to Jesus.  No.  You can bring your trouble to him right after it hits you. You can’t combat the adversary, the devil, with positive thought.  Can’t be done.  You must bring your burdens to the Lord.

I Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”Faith and inferiority can’t co-exist.  In time, faith will win. Good things don’t always happen overnight!  God Bless You!

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