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Views, observations, and opinions, and, occasionally, advice from the chinook country of southern Alberta

10 Percent

Some years ago, my son-in-law and I needed a transport truck. I was looking for a good quality truck, and

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Innocence / Ignorance

Innocent – when someone is found innocent it connotates unawareness or exclusion of responsibility. Ignorant – having the lack of

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In the journey of building a better-managed company, or addressing concerns within an organization, we need to reposition. When I

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My mind is dwelling on how we can learn from history.   I want to consider some of the detail recorded

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“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” John 10:27 When I re-read what I’ve

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“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of

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Happy in Correction

“Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:” Job 5:17 This

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Input Business Guidance is a guidance course focused on helping you strengthen your business by teaching you how to deal with employees, customers, and teaching you core values that will influence you for the rest of your life. We started working on our first course in 2021 and are about ready to bring it to you.

We are a family-operated business based in rural Saskatchewan, in Canada. We have a passion for organized design & have turned it into doing what we enjoy best – creating beautiful, functional items which will help you promote your business, simplify your life, announce that new arrival, create the new book-of-the-year, or any number of other products!

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