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As someone who has, in the past, struggled with the authority of a structured church, and today remains aware of the shortcomings of the human race, I offer this meditation.  Though we speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and we have not charity, we become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Writing on the topic “church”, is like navigating uncharted waters for me.  Some individuals like to dwell on this subject frequently, while others avoid it like a disease. My thoughts today are not on “right and wrong”, but rather on the human element, in the light of this topic.  

We live in ranch country. Now, as we are in the early winter season, the cattle are brought into the home pastures near the ranch headquarters.  As the high elevations are piled deep in accumulating snow, the cattle are brought in near headquarters. Here the cows that are now carrying the young of next year may be observed by the herdsmen.  The cattle are also near the harvested hay, available for feeding as needed. 

A day or two ago we were driving on the road, alongside a few hundred of these critters, all safe inside the fence that defines their place of safety. There was one rascal that was grazing just outside the fence. She remained near the main herd, yet had no restraint of barbed wire to keep her in. The world was hers. She could wander onto the highway and get hit by a truck, or she could stay near the rest of the herd. In my imagination, she was really a herd-inclined cow. She recognized the security of staying near the herd. So, she had the best of both worlds. Her freedom, and her independence. She was free to go onto the road, if she wanted. In her own mind, she was actually a very intelligent cow. Smart enough to stay away from the fatal dangers associated with the road. She was too wise to be needing a barbed wire fence that could restrict her from choosing her preferred route.

So, because she was such a smart cow, she stayed near the fence. Perhaps what she didn’t realize was that the fence was still the object needing attention. If a heavy snow hit the cows inside the fence could walk to the hay the rancher provided. She, as a result of her quest for freedom, would have the fence to deal with, because it would keep her from gaining access to feed, in the event of a heavy snowfall. 

This is an allegory of life. At times, we don’t want restraining factors. For awhile it’s liberating. However, when God created the dynamics of the world, he introduced the law of cause and effect. For every decision made, there is an outcome. The law of gravity – what’s thrown into the air will come back down.

A fellow commented that, while he was happy in his third marriage, he acknowledged if he had treated his first wife with the same respect that he now accorded to his third, he would most likely still be with his first wife. The restraining laws and confines of God-worship also provide the security that we not only wish for, but that we essentially need, in order to inherit Heaven.  My sheep hear my voice.

Dear reader, please note. This writing was not intended to fan the flame of an already smoldering fire of frustration, or one of disappointment. Instead, its intent is to focus on an irrevocable truth.  As you consider the noun “Church”, it is only a word. Church happens in the heart of man. In the soul of man. If “Church” is not based on truth, it is just a noun; just a building or a charitable organization. Its members are not the church. Its members will fail.2 Chronicles 15:2 “And he went out to meet Asa, and said unto him, Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.”

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