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Isaiah 42:1-4

Verse 1 – Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.

Verse 2 – He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.

Verse 3 – A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.

Verse 4 – He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.

This morning, by happenstance, I came to these scriptures. My thoughts drew a parallel to this servant sent forth to help the Gentiles. I am not learned in theology; but am of the impression that the Prophet Isaiah was referring to the promised coming of Jesus to this earth. I do not wish to use these verses in an incorrect context.  Enough of disclaimers.  Here we go!

The Gentiles were not of the chosen ones in the religious who’s who of the time. In the same way, people in the grips of addiction are not members or participants of the current order of the religious faithful.

In a black and white viewpoint, religious foundations are based on truth. In Christianity, they are based on the Holy Bible.  There are other religious beliefs that endorse other foundational cornerstones. Black and White has no Grey.  Grey is neither Black nor White.

When someone who was born into a Jewish family defected into what we might call “the streets of the Gentiles”, there were repercussions set out by God’s commandment.  Rightly so. When a person in our society leaves foundational truth and slides over into vices that eventually develop into addiction, there is, and should be, grave concern.  And repercussions.

Although the Bible endorses monogamous marital relations, there are provisions made to give the partner of an untrue spouse options to secure safety and a life with a degree of normality. When the partner considered to be the apparent root of the problem faces the verdict, he finds that most of society has given him a stamp of disapproval. Understandably so.

When I spiraled into the abyss of addictions, many concerned people tried to help me see the error of my ways.  Probably every type of helpfulness imaginable was employed in their quest to be of aid.

Of course, I am unable to speak for others.  So, speaking for myself, I would like to say that when the Church and the Spirit of God have spoken, guilt has been established.  It is not possible to be unaware of one’s guilt under these circumstances. In the same way that conversion and the acceptance of the blood of Jesus gives both peace and a change of direction; a change of outlook.

In like manner, when someone who has experienced the safe secure environment of being a member in good standing in the Church of God, but then breaks society’s laws, Scriptural laws, and Church organization laws, they know they are guilty. Foundationally, in their heart, they know.  

In my resolve to be “not guilty” I challenged this truth for years.  Friends, you cannot fight Truth. Truth is not established by circumstances.  Truth always remains Truth.  This is one of the foundational points of mercy. It is also one of the foundational points of the journey of overcoming addiction.

So, to those that are either helping or wishing to help another who has progressed into dire circumstances that are beyond his or her ability to change, sometimes the absurdity of the situation and the sin just frustrates you as a helper/onlooker. Consider this. Would it be of any benefit to drive to the homeless camp in your local city, get out of your car, haul the step ladder out of your trunk, climb to the top step of the ladder so you are sure to be seen, and, pointing your finger at the shelters of the homeless scream at the top of your lungs, “You’re homeless!!  Get a job already.”? 

The words of the prophet Isaiah suggest a vastly different approach.

Isaiah 42:1-4 – Behold my servant, whom I uphold…I have put my spirit upon him…He shall not cry nor lift up nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall he not break…He shall not fail nor be discouraged.

Isaiah 42:7 – To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.

Food for thought for today.

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