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I think I’ve told you before. Today I’ll repeat myself. I write these blogs to clarify to myself my own needs. The inspiration is many times directed at myself through “Spirit talk”. 

When Jesus ascended to heaven to be with God and observe mankind’s meanderings here in this world, he left us the Comforter. 

John 14:26 – “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (Jesus’ words according to John) 

So, when we feel the call of God and surrender our will to him, when we acknowledge and give an account of the sins that we are aware of, when Jesus sees our broken and contrite heart, he accepts us. We become one of his own. We do not have the capacity to see our sins as they really are. We only see enough to grasp that, in order to be gifted with life in Heaven after we are done in this world, we must come to Jesus. We must accept that we are lost, and that without Jesus dying on the Cross of Calvary we would be lost forever, and doomed to spend our afterlife in Hell. This is my humble understanding of the teaching of the Bible. As I have told you before…I am not an accomplished theologian. I do not claim deep detailed understanding. I do however leave this testimony with you, “I know in my heart what it means.” 

Now that I’ve attempted to explain the core of salvation, I want to explain to you, and at the same time clarify to myself, what it is that I believe to be true regarding extending mercy. 

As I tried to explain; we are saved by an understanding of our lost condition, as well as the realization that without accepting Jesus, we remain in this lost condition. We understand we must leave those sins that so easily beset us and run with patience the race (see Hebrews 12:1)  

In repentance and looking to Jesus the thief on the cross cried out “Be merciful to me a sinner. Then he heard Jesus’ reply, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43) In a sense we might say “simple as that”. In the eyes of the world, the thief on the cross died a sinner. He was crucified. He paid a price for his transgressions. By looking to Jesus and simply acknowledging his shortfall, he became worthy of heaven as his eternal home. 

All of mankind has the opportunity to accept or reject Jesus. Those of mankind who have experienced coming to Jesus, unless done at the point of death as did the thief on the cross, remain human. This human will, in spite of being a child of God, be just that. Human. This person (you and me) will continue to make mistakes, will disappoint both himself and others. The Bible teaches about living an overcoming life. It teaches adherence to the truths in the Bible. 

As onlookers and bystanders, we see the shortfall of our fellowmen. We can find scriptural support to judge all manner of sin. And all manner of sin must be judged as it is. Sin. We see evidence in the deficiencies of our fellow Christian, providing all the proof needed to justify “throwing them under the bus.” 

How often don’t we come back to Jesus asking for mercy “one more time”? Then, when we allow God and the Holy Spirit to give us an understanding of our own depravity, we bow our heads. Extending the arm of mercy to our fellow sojourners on the pathway to heaven is often a consequence of these actions.   

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8:7b 

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