Poverty, Wealth and Christianity

Wealth is a measurement of what we have, compared to what we need. 

I Timothy 6:8 – “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” In most parts of the world, we would do even better with a roof over our head, and money to pay taxes. 

Mark 12:17 NCV – “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” 

As we study more of the Bible, we will see ample instructions for both employees and employers to deal with each other in a rightful manner.  It comes down to a man’s heart. Matthew 6:21 – “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” And our treasure follows our heart. Our treasure could be compared to our priorities. 

I recently read a financial news article concerning our present generation’s concept of what they consider “middle class”. It described the quantity of assets (things) our society has designated “middle class”. The punch line in the article, which I found amusing, was that there was some doubt in society whether assets had to surpass liability in order for individuals to qualify as “middle class”.  In overly simple words, even if, technically, you were bankrupt…or, your worth was less than what you owed others, there was a chance you could still be respected as having the wealth to be labelled middle class. That is an example of the deterioration of a society. In truth, much of society has very little in terms of net worth. 

The people considered have nots are not of lesser value than the people that have. Neither does an individual categorized as being a part of the “have” spectrum necessarily qualify as being smart.   When all a person can do is make ends meet, there is no energy for improvement. Such an individual often goes to his or her job in a numb mechanical state of mind. Note: I wrote “often”. Not always. 

It is the responsibility of the more capable to teach the less familiar. Again, please note that I wrote less “familiar”.  (not less “capable”). Poor people are not less capable. There are people in society who outwardly are very incapable, yet have a great success story. 

This topic is too extensive to absorb in one setting. I will continue on it another time. 

Wealthy does not equal “Smart”. 

Poor does not equal “Incompetence”. 

See you next time. 

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