Quite a number of years ago I had an acquaintance whose first language was not English. The individual used the term, “What’s the why of it?” extensively. This expression, or request for a reason, has resurfaced many times since. I want to write a little about “the why of it”. 

Do you ever wonder why some people stumble over the same topic or problem over and over again? Compare this to having a board lying on the ground between the front door of someone’s house and their car.  We would question why they continue to step over the board, and occasionally stumble over it, or stub their toe, instead of just cleaning it up. Many of us would be inclined to take issue with such a practise. 

So. Why then do you and I have issues that we seemingly can’t get past? Those recurring habits and thought patterns? 

Philippians 2:13 – For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure 

Personally, I enjoy, and even prefer, the old English of the King James Version Bible. I have no argument to defend it or insist on referring to it. What I like about it is that it urges me to open my mind to the will of God. I can read the same verse and one time it depresses me, and my melancholic mind sees a grey sky. Another time the same verse is a beautiful bank of magnificent thunderheads that are preparing to wash the dusty road under my feet with a summer cloudburst. With the cloudburst comes wind and lightning. But I cozy up and hug myself, knowing I am God’s child, but also realizing the potential of lightning strikes and wind damage. I feel and realize the power of God. I know He cares about each sparrow. And I know that no harm will come to me that He is not already aware of.  

“He worketh in us both to will and to do…” 

I’ve told you readers before that I am not a Bible Scholar. I can’t lay claim to perfect adherence to God’s will. I chafe. I fight. I’m discouraged when I fall again. I lay down my pen, vowing I will never write another blog. Never. I realize my words and actions are controversial. I’m a Now Sinner. I need God. I need to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. I need to communicate to all the rest of you that also have the board lying on the ground between your front door and your car. I wish sometimes, for the sake of your safety, to remove it. I want to do it for you. But I can’t. It’s your board. It’s not for me to mess with it. 

Because God “worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” 

That’s “the Why of It”.

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